Cache Plant 2

Big Dreams Cache

N 34° 07.115 W 118° 09.940 (WGS-84)

I decided to plant another cache in South Pasadena this weekend.  As I've said before,
Geocaching seems like a game/sport where it is essential that you give as well as take.

The initial cache, an ammo box, contains the following:

four airplane kits
two gold Sacagawea dollar coins
a Singapore penny
a Hong Kong 20 cent piece
a rubber pig
a rubber duck
a mini-magic eight ball
a blank CD-R
two gift certificates for ice cream

After a bit of wandering around South Pas, we finally decided to place the
cache in Arroyo Park.  Good parking and a nice area for kids to play made this
our choice to place the cache.

We headed up the hill a bit and found this interesting place.  The tunnel leads
under the freeway from one side of the park to the other.

Looking back on the baseball field from the spot.

We placed the box where the cement wall met the stone wall.

I was concerned that people might spy the cache walking by, so Martin
put a big rock in front of the ammo box.  It's well hidden if you ask me.

I tired to take a picture of Martin and me, but it didn't turn out so great.

After leaving the cache we saw that it was opening day for the
South Pasadena Skate Park.  Woo hoo!
In my town, Skateboarding is not a crime...

Many thanks to Martin aka wediggsgeo, my good friend who helped place the geocache,
and wandered around several parks with me looking for a good spot.


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