Cache Plant 1

Garfield Family Cache

N 34° 07.032 W 118° 08.817 (WGS-84)

After doing a few geocache finds, I decided I wanted to try placing a cache myself.
Geocaching seems like a game/sport where it is essential that you give as well as take.

First, I assembled the cache box, an army ammo box. I ordered an official
geocaching sticker and log book.  I then assembled a few tasty items to start
the cache off properly.

Inside I placed: A Gamespy shot-glass-on-a-string, Blue, Captain Hook,
The Powerpuff Girls, a SoapNet compact mirror, a couple blank CD-Rs
a rubber scorpion, and extra AA & AAA batteries for the electrically challenged.

We also placed the Juju Travel Bug.

The travel bug is headed toward Washington, DC, where my brother Matt lives.

Michele made the travel bug for me.  What more could a man ask for out of a wife?
Hopefully, people will sew trinkets onto the travel bug as it makes it's way across the US.

Besides the Groundspeak tag, we also attached a gold Sacagawea dollar coin.
The gold coin is the same item we leave in caches that we find.

I hid the cache in Garfield Park in South Pasadena.
It is a good cache for families to find, so we called it the...
Garfield Family Cache

You can see from this shot, that the cache is fairly well camouflaged in the bush.
If you are looking for it, you will find it.  Otherwise, it is invisible to the casual passerby.

Many thanks to LarsThorwald, a fellow South Pasadenan who helped show me the ropes
of placing a geocache.


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