Further BLD - SAS fights - Page 2

I came under a big attack near the corpse of the one dead dragon.  Note that I am on the offense, even when death is at hand.
I got boxed in and was getting pummeled.  There were two blue healers (Ed of OTR & Bianchi of ~N~) keeping me alive.  The SAS macers knocked off all my armor except my bone helm and arms. Ouch.  I had zero stamina. I was a goner.  I began my death cry of Hail Blood Clan.

Note the words between mine.  You can see "scout dont like u."  Now Scout is my horse, you can see him in the lower right corner.  I started callign for him to come to me.  He ran up, I hoped on, and ESCAPED certain death.  All were impressed.  
The res killing occured on all sides.  Here Jangsta and I goof around a bit.  You can see I was in sad shape.

Here's the a picture of the number of times I was killed in the healer's hut.  Not a pretty sight.

By this time, Order guilds arrived to fight SAS.  It was mainly OGD and they easily stomped SAS.  SAS was already worn down from fighting BLD and OGD was fully equipped.  It wasn't pretty.

At the very end, I think it was just me, Jangsta (SAS) and Sir Bert (SAS) left.  A SAS friend started making Demons and transferring them to Jang & Bert. I counted at least 10. I tried to dispel them, not much luck.  Needless to say, I died many times to them.

Overall I had a great time.  I hope everyone else did.  Fighting that much was fun and enjoyable.  Much respect to all involved, SAS & BLD.  I could have done without the res killing, but who needs fame anyways?

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