The Dawi make a Stand

I meet the dwarves outside Delucia.  They call themselves Dawi and speak the Dawi tounge.  As a young adventurer from the far west lands, I was happy to meet these friendly little men.  With the welcoming cry of Hoy!, I entered their clan as an allied human. 

They soon headed toward their ancestral lands north of Yew and Shame dungeon.  I remained in the new lands to practice my barding skills.

Eventually I made my way to Yew and accompanied the Dawi on hunts, raising bryn (gold) to buy a home.  After much hard work, H'rrn was able to buy the house. 
The house is in a clearing at the top of the Shame mountain range.  The legendary dwarven prowess for mining and smithy will make it a place of note for those desiring good metalworks.

The house is in rough territory, the ancestral home of the dawi.  The house often come under attack from monsters. The Dawi laugh off the danger simply by commenting, "More bryn, ha!"

The orgainized Shadowclan urks made a raid into dawi territory and stole many ingots from the dawi home.  I made a visit to the Shadowclan fort to speak with the warboss.  I paid them tribute, but they clomped me and stole my goods. These urks are not to be trusted.

Later that day, the Shadowclan urks headed toward the Dawi house again.  This time, the dawi were ready.  We met them outside the house.  Again they demanded tribute.  I refused and told them to leave.  Dirbad stood by my side ready for action.  The urks got upset and attacked me.  That was their mistake.
Dirbad and I fought the urks.  At first it was we two dawi versus the five urks.  We killed one urk.  Soon another dawi, Warf, arrived.  We killed two more urks and chased the rest back into the forest.

A glorious victory!

Now warned of the Shadowclan urks treachery, the Dawi stood ready for a second battle.  But it seems that the urks were too humbled to return that day.

Here you see part of the clan ready to defend their home and lands.  The Dawi stand proud, having reclaimed part of their homelands.

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