Respect & Dealing with a Twink

I was in Safe Haven when Paerin showed up.
As you can see, I recieved the respect and adoration I deserve.
I am the secret puppetmaster of OGD.

Near Safe Haven I saw a twink named Pendragon notoPK 
a couple of reds talking with JemFire.
After he started to reskill them I decided that this must end.
I attacked and he ran like a little girl.
Here you see him banning me from his house.

Pendragon must have dropped all his stuff in his house and came running back out without healing.
He attacks and I autodefend, he dies to a single blow.

Of course, this was all to allow him to give me a murder count.

Now while there is a time and a place for murder counts,
I do not think this the way it was intended.
A coward flees justice and my name is bismirched.

All in all a good night of fun.
It is about having fun, isn't it?