Grunk's Journal

The battle ended shortly after when Ruknar and Grunk from BLD (Blood Clan) feathered a low flying demon from hell overhead to let it come crashing down on top of the nefarious PK Anarchy. Unfortunately BLD Brother Zagat didn't get out of the way in time. The rest of the Pk's fled covering their heads in panic from the use of this anti-pk tactic.

Here we can see Blood Clan (BLD) and others under the ANTI-PK banner rallied here in Coventry a few nights back just before CE's failed attempt to raid the peaceful northern town.

There was a heated discussion about town defense tactics and picket duty until the BLD warriors started tossing runes at one another which eventually turned into the biggest magic Rune fights Siege perilous has ever seen. 

Now, all I was trying to do was take a leak. I think Aaron was standing there for a full minute watching me as I excreted all of the Fine Pink Yewish wine I was drinking that morning. Normally I don't have a problem urinating amongst brothers and orcs, but this guy was giving me the heebee jeebee's. At least he waited till the pee shivers were done. before he attacked. I even got to get in a few dribble shakes.
He made me feel so dirty and used.