Good PKs and Bad PKs

I wandered a bit around looking for trouble.
Sistro of BiH said there was a ToD gank squad
near the BiH village.  I went to see.

I ran into Niels Ashe of ToD.
I told him I'd wipe out the gank squad with one blow.

He saw no fear in my eyes.

I called upon my massive PvP skills and sent a 
timber wolf to slay Ashe.

No luck, Ashe was too clever to let the wolf gnaw
at him for 10 minute.

He challenged me further.

I decided to pull out all the stops and strike terror
into his heart.

He cowered.

But then he realized I couldn't get the_other_villager to show up.

Deciding that combat was futile between we PvP gods,
we chatted a bit.

Please note the extremely rare typo that Ashe made.
He must have been drunk.
I hear typos are a bannable offense in ToD.

We got a little personal, that's all I'm gunna say...

While chatting a #anti force arrived and chased Ashe off.
I wandered around and a PK named Kurupt showed up.
Para, explosion, mind blast, poison, etc.
I died.
Last target so strong ^^

I mocked him for wasting the reagents on a known
no loot dexxer gimp.

Of course, he reskilled me once.


In fact he reskilled me FOUR times while I waited
for the #anti squad to arrive.
So dumb to wait around...

He died like a dog.

Thanks to Aswepe, ShareZar, and Khael!

I suggested against ressing him.

We headed to the Orc Fort, where I told an orc
a extremely funny joke.

The missing shot has me saying, "lat shoe"

The orc was rolling on the floor.

Remember, if you actually log into UO, it can be as much fun as IRC.

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